20th July 2022
With so many CRM tools, it can be daunting choosing what you need. We discuss the top 5 most useful CRM tools in 2022.
There are so many Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems out there, all with different tools and features. This can make things very confusing when trying to uncover what are the best tools to look out for when searching for a new CRM, so we thought we'd help you out by compiling the top 5 tools to look for in a CRM system.
Automation is where human input is minimised and should be a key part of any CRM system. This usually occurs with pre-populated data that the system recognises and prompts to fill automatically which greatly reduces the act of physically inputting data. This can help businesses to save time on repetitive daily processes like creating and sending invoices, quotes, and work orders. The benefits of this are, of course, that it saves time entering lots of data; but also, that it reduces the risk of human error as the chances of typing errors and forgotten data are greatly reduced.
Not all CRM systems offer email marketing, but it's certainly a welcome addition to your artillery. This tool enables you to design stunning email marketing campaigns and send them directly to specific segments of your contacts - all from inside your CRM. This tool also allows you to view key analytics of your email campaign such as who's opened it, who's clicked, and who's unsubscribed from your email marketing newsletter.
Activities are essential in a CRM system. It's a way of not only setting future tasks up, but also a way of recording past and present activities with customers. It usually works by adding in the details of your activity and assigning any relevant staff members or customers who it may be related to. It's this collaborative aspect that improves cohesiveness and productivity throughout your team as it ensures everyone remains on the same page and tasks get done.
Sales pipelines are an invaluable asset that allow you to visualise the amount of business coming into your business in the upcoming months. It does this by using percentages to estimate the likelihood of winning future business sales. It then uses these percentages against the total monetary amount to provide a realistic idea of the amount of money the company is going to make, forming the direction of business in the coming months.
A CRM system, wouldn't be a CRM system without customers, right? This is the heartbeat of your CRM, so its importance is clear. Good CRMs really need to get the customer area right, as this is the blueprint for the rest of the system. Not only this, but data needs to be easy to import, with the ability to add custom fields where necessary so that a business can create their own fields and record precise details about their customers.
Looking to start your Oomph CRM journey?
Aside from writing this wonderful blog, we have a CRM system of our own called Oomph. It includes everything we've discussed in this article (and more) and you can trial it completely free for 14 days by clicking here - registration takes a minute, there's no commitments and no card details are needed.
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